Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Insurance Market

Those who decide to purchase insurance come across moral hazard, and the insurance companies deal with adverse selection. Moral hazard takes place because a person that has insruance against a loss has less motivation than a person that may be uninsured to avert a loss. In class, the example we were presented with was a person who has car theft insurance has less incentive to lock their car as opposed to a person who does not have car theft insurance.

Insurance companies have to figure our ways to work around the moral hazard and adverse selection issues, which can be done by separating the high-risk from the low-risk clients. For instance, they can lower premiums for low-risk clients and raise them for high-risk clients. A particular example of such a situation can be made of an auto insurance company that offers a "no-claim" bonus, in which the insurance company lowers payments for their client if that client does not make a clain within a particular amount of time. Other ways are by offerring different deductible rates. A lower deductible with a higher amount of monthly payments is offered to high risk clients and a higher deductible with a lower amount of monthly payments is offered for the low risk clients.


  1. I think that insurance is very important to have. It is a safe way to protect yourself because the future is unpredictale. It also is alot cheaper to pay monthly instead of a large qantity at once.

  2. I live in Australia and the car insurance companies provide various schemes, such as new vehicle replacement if the vehicle becomes unrepairable write-off within the first 12 months. Others offer varied premiums for total distance travelled and type of usage. The primary address of the vehicle is factored in the premiums along with all other usual particulars. Most companies als offer monthly payments and various discounts for quarterly or annually payments. There are "specialised" policies for the type of vehicle you own, for instance I have a 2010 Peugeot 407 which costs approx AUD$1400 per annum to insure yet my 2007 Porsche Carrera costs only approx AUD$800 per annum. Although the replacement value and market value of the Carrera is significantly higher, I have a special policy with higher security garaging and lower annual km usage [whicj I had to disclose with log books to the cover provider].
    The client risk factor is basic with main focus on age and driving history. Unfortunate for the young entering the insurance schemes, it can become very costly. Also those with criminal records find it nearly impossible to obtain cover.
    One of life's MUST HAVE undesirable necessities.
